Discover Lesser-Known Flowers with Pixel Macro photography, Season 1

Kartik Bhatnagar
4 min readSep 14, 2023


The first picture is of Pink Lady’s Glove Flowers. Have you ever planted or seen this flower?

Next is exceptionally large African Marigold flower. Have you seen a perfectly round marigold flower before?

Cordyline Australia's (aka cabbage tree) branches are in bloom in below photos. This is native to New Zealand. In zoom, you can see it is a different world of your own.

Torch lilly or red hot poker is native to south Africa but introduced to different gardens around the world. In a close up view, it looks like a red papaya fruit. isn't it?

Orpine or Stonecrop is native to Europe, Russia and northern China. It is a tiny pink flower but in macro mode, it reveals a world of its own.

Eastern purple coneflower or hedgehog flower is native to North America. Here I have collected three different colours of the same species in close-up view.

Salvia coccinea, the blood sage or Texas Sage is native to Mexico. If you scroll below, you will find a blue variant of the same plant. Let me know if you can’t find it.

A close-up view of Red Poppy Flower, a symbol of wartime remembrance, is commonly found in Europe. Another closely related variant Tufted Poppy in Yellow colour.

Here is pink barbie coloured, Cosmos flower. Loved by girl children a lot, it is true.

It is a blue time for boys. First from left— Blue cornflower, blue bottle. In middle Blue Sage — I am sure you have seen Red Sage on this page. Last — love-in-a-mist or devil in the bush. It is native to southern Europe and found on dump places.

Sunflower left and another similar looking but in dual tone colour is Coreopsis Plains right below.

Thank you, please wait for the season 2.



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